The Burwell Center for Career Achievement
Situated at a key nexus between the University of Denver’s traditional core and its growing urban edge, the new Burwell Center for Career Achievement is a campus hub focused on student career development, employer engagement and alumni activities. Low-emitting materials were used throughout the building to improve indoor air quality, and 97% of the floor area provides views to the outdoors, while natural daylighting celebrates a variety of connections with the community. The combination of these strategies resulted in superior indoor environmental quality for building occupants and visitors. The Burwell Center is the first LEED PLATINUM building on campus and much of its success was the result of aspirational shared goals established during the Integrated Design Workshop which helped to earn the project an additional point towards the building’s LEED certification.
Improved occupant well-being through integration of
ergonomic principles, specifically in the design of work
spaces for all computer users -
Low-emitting materials were used to reduce the harmful
effect of VOCs -
Replicated natural hydrology and water balance of the
site by capturing and managing 100% of storm water
onsite -
Cool roof strategies incorporated to minimize effects
on microclimates by reducing the urban heat island
effect -
Native, adaptive landscaping reduces the amount of
potable water needed for irrigation -
An on-going commitment to renewable energy
generation allowed this project to offset annual energy
LEED for New Construction PLATINUM level achieved
54% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2010 standard
22% of annual energy consumption is offset by a PV system
46% reduction of potable water for domestic use
97% of regularly occupied spaces provide views to the outdoors