Arizona State University Polytechnic
The ASU Polytechnic Project consists of three buildings in the Arizona desert, totaling 251,000 SF and containing three primary schools: School of Agribusiness, School of Science and Technology, and School of Education and Humanities. The facilities include offices, classrooms, wet and dry teaching laboratories, a black-box theatre, art gallery, painting and drawing studio, a conference center and a separate Haz-Mat building. The design extends ASU’s New American University to the Polytechnic Campus by using the building as a learning tool and creates an innovative learning environment beyond the classroom. Each building employs a particular beyond the classroom. Each building employs a particular strategy towards protecting itself from the elements, while integrating many strategies to reduce energy, water and waste burdens on the campus.
Sustainable Strategies
Green Building Education Program was developed including permanent signage of green building features, education outreach to the community, and green building and design tours
Low VOC-emitting materials for the building’s interior creates enhanced Indoor Environmental Quality
High-performance, reflective roofing system reduces the Urban Heat Island Effect
Low-flow fixtures reduce domestic water use
Building materials with high-recycled content were sourced from local vendors
Comprehensive Green Housekeeping and Recylcling Programs were implemented to minimize ongoing environmental impacts
Project Results
LEED for New Construction Gold level achieved
33% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2004 energy standard
43% reduction in potable water for domestic use
51% reduction of potable water use for irrigation
79% of construction waste was diverted from the landfill