Gila Crossing Community School
Download Green Ideas Project Profile-Gila Crossing School (2-5-21)
Located in the southwest corner of the Phoenix valley, the Gila Crossing Day School is a K-8 institution serving the Gila River Indian Community. Comprised of four main buildings including administration, library, gymnasium and classrooms the school design focused on seamlessly connecting indoors to outdoors with open space planning and daylighting in all regularly occupied spaces. The LEED campus approach was applied to the development, and the campus features an open outdoor setting where teachers and students pass from class-to-class outdoors while taking in the general commons area. Low-emitting materials were used throughout the buildings to reduce the harmful effect of VOCs, and the project also utilized the LEED Pilot Prerequisite that requires continuous IAQ monitoring to improve the health of all occupants…an impressive commitment in the Corona virus era.
Sustainable Strategies
Improved air quality performance via ionizers which filter contaminants and reduce health risks in accordance with ASHRAE standard 62.1-2010: a leading guideline to provide proper ventilation and monitoring of the HVAC system
Low-emitting materials were used to reduce the harmful effect of VOCs
Replicated natural hydrology and water balance of the site by capturing and managing 100% of stormwater onsite
Cool roof strategies incorporated to minimize effects on microclimates by reducing the urban heat island effect
Native, adaptive landscaping reduces the amount of potable water needed for irrigation
Materials selected to maximize recycled content include aluminum curtain wall, framing, steel, insulation and drywall
Project Results
LEED for Schools SILVER level achieved
35% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2010 standard
39% reduction of potable water for domestic use
73% reduction of potable water for irrigation
76% of construction waste was diverted from landfills