Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine Broadway Academic Building
The SCNM Broadway Academic Building is a 47,832 SF state of the art education facility located on a small campus in Tempe, Arizona. The new building includes a Medicinary, Treatment Rooms, Cafe and Kitchen, Classrooms, Fitness Center and Library. Sustainable strategies include low-flow plumbing fixtures, shaded parking, reflective roofing and a photovoltaic system located onsite that provides 30% of the building’s energy needs. By recycling construction waste, the project diverted more than 2,100 tons of debris from landfills. SCNM also utilized materials with high recycled content and sourced many of the building elements locally. One of the primary goals for SCNM was to create a healthy learning environment for students, staff, and visitors, which was accomplished through specification of materials with low VOC content and no added urea formaldehyde.
Sustainable Strategies
High-performance, reflective roofing system reduces the Urban Heat Island Effect
Green Cleaning Program reduces occupants’ exposure to toxic chemicals and airborne particles
Enhanced HVAC system reduces environmental and economic impacts of excessive energy use
Low-flow plumbing fixtures reduce domestic potable water use
Green Building Education Program educates the community about sustainable features of the building
Comprehensive recycling program diverts occupant waste from the landfill
On-Site PV system reduces CO2 emissions while providing 30% of the building’s energy
Project Results
LEED for New Construction PLATINUM level achieved
77% reduction of potable water for irrigation
65% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2007 energy standard
47% reduction of potable water for domestic use
100% of roofing materials do not contribute to the Urban Heat Island Effect