Arizona State University Interdisciplinary Science & Technology Building 3
The Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building 3 (ISTB3) is a 34,594 SF laboratory and office building on the ASU Polytechnic Campus. ISTB3 is part of the ongoing rebirth of Williams Field Air Force Base and the rapid expansion of the Polytechnic Campus in Mesa, Arizona. Adaptable and versatile, the facility’s wet and dry labs and clean room were designed to handle a variety of research from four ASU departments, including the renowned Biodesign Institute. ISTB3 is home to research in Applied Biological Sciences, Applied Psychology, Healthy Lifestyles and Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals. It is also home to the Algae Lab, where research into the use of photosynthetic microorganisms to produce biofuels and bioproducts is conducted. Green Ideas integrated several sustainable strategies into the design, development and construction of the project, allowing ISTB3 to exceed the original Silver level goal, to earn LEED Gold level certification.
Sustainable Strategies
High-performance, reflective roofing system and cool paving reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect
Wood products used in the project were harvested from Forest Stewardship Council certified forests
Low VOC-emitting materials for the building’s interior creates enhanced Indoor Environmental Quality
Occupancy sensors and permanent monitoring systems were installed to minimize energy use
Building materials with high-recycled content were sourced from local vendors
Comprehensive Recycling, Green Housekeeping and Education Programs were implemented to minimize ongoing environmental impacts
Project Results
LEED for New Construction Gold level achieved
100% reduction of potable water use for irrigation
18% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-1999 energy standard
42% reduction of potable water for domestic use
75% of construction waste was diverted from the landfill