BASF Administration Building
The BASF Administration Building is within a chemical plant located in West Memphis, Arkansas on the Mississippi River, directly west of the City of Memphis, Tennessee. Green Ideas integrated several sustainable strategies into the design, development, and construction of the project allowing it to earn LEED Silver. The building envelope utilizes low-E glass, along with wall and roof insulation with high R values. Solar tubes and roof monitors bring daylight into interior spaces. Special efforts were made to incorporate materials that have high recycled content and were regionally sourced. For the first time, landscaping has been introduced on the campus. Plant materials installed were chosen for their ability to survive on rainfall alone. The building utilizes high-efficiency mechanical equipment and lighting, and low-flow plumbing fixtures.
Sustainable Strategies
Two-year renewable energy purchase agreement provides 153,538 kWh of green power
High-performance, reflective roofing system reduces the Urban Heat Island Effect
Low VOC-emitting materials for the buiding’s interior creates enhanced Indoor Environmental Quality
Occupancy sensors and permanent monitoring systems were installed to minimize energy use
Wood products used in the project were harvested from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified forests
Water efficient landscaping requires no potable water for irrigation
Project Results
LEED for New Construction Silver level achieved
40% reduction in potable water for domestic use
37% of materials were manufactured using recycled content
59% of building materials were sourced from local vendors and contractors
92% of construction waste was diverted from the landfill