Bank of America Cash Vault
The Bank of American Cash Vault in Tempe, Arizona is a 31,829 SF project unique both structurally and internally. The building is part of Bank of America’s initiative to contribute to sustainable business practices addressing global climate change over the next 10 years. The exterior shell consists of eight inch think, poured-in-place concrete tilt panels made of regional river rock material. Desert landscaping, including the use of cacti and succulents, provide a low water use design that contributes to landscaping water efficiency. The Urban Heat Island Effect is reduced externally by use of reflective roofing and covered parking, while underfloor air distribution contributes to the indoor air quality and thermal comfort of occupants. The challenge of creating a LEED credit strategy for a project with such specific security needs was overcome to earn LEED Gold level certification.
Sustainable Strategies
Upgrading building envelope performance, demand control ventilation, occupancy controlled lighting, and efficient chillers improve energy efficiency
Bicycle parking stalls, showers and changing rooms are provided for the building occupants to encourage alternative transportation
High-performance, reflective roofing and covered parking reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect
Potable water use is reduced through the installation of low-flow lavatories, dual-flush water closets and waterless urinals
Use of adhesives, sealants, paints and composite wood products with low or no volatile organic compound (VOC) content
Project Results
LEED for New Construction Gold level achieved
30% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2004 energy standard
37% reduction in potable water for domestic use
50% savings of potable water used for irrigation
60% of building’s electrical power is supplied by renewable energy