Recruit Marksmanship Training Facility
The Recruit Marksmanship Training Facility (RMTF) at Camp Pendleton has been designed as a high-performance facility that exemplifies the Navy’s and DoD’s commitment to sustainability. Through innovative design strategies and proper budget planning, Green Ideas was able to achieve the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Platinum designation for the facility. The $11.1 million project provides a state-of-the-art training facility for the finest fighting force on the planet, including areas for range company (RC), marksmanship training units (MTU), academic instruction sections (AIS), administrative offices and on-base housing. The project is highlighted by a 185 kilowatt photovoltaic generation system that provides enough on-site renewable energy for a Net-Zero energy building, demonstrating the U.S. Navy’s commitment to having 50% of their total energy consumed from alternative energy sources by 2020.
Sustainable Strategies
High-efficiency HVAC systems reduce energy costs
Highly insulated roofing and wall systems with high-performance glazing
Photovoltaic system in the form of carport shades, as well as a rooftop array, equals the CO2 reduction produced by 42 acres of trees
Low VOC-emitting materials for the building’s interior creates enhanced Indoor Air Quality
Building materials with high-recycled content was sourced from local vendors
Landscape design uses drought-tolerant plantings that do not require a permanent irrigation system
Project Results
LEED for New Construction Platinum level achieved
92% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2004 energy standard
43% of energy costs are provided by renewable solar energy
35% reduction of domestic water use
91% of construction waste was diverted from the landfill