Salt River Project (SRP) Call Center
The new Salt River Project (SRP) Call Center services the growing communities of Apache Junction, Gold Canyon and Queen Creek, AZ. The facility serves the public with a 26,000 SF Call Center, a 16,000 SF Business Center, along with a Customer Payment Center, public meeting rooms and general administrative offices. This facility is SRP’s first attempt at recognition for internal commitment to sustainability and building green. Green Ideas integrated several sustainable strategies into the design, development and construction of the project including 14,000 SF of roof-top solar panels, an upgraded building envelope and implementation of Green Housekeeping and Recycling Programs to minimize ongoing environmental impacts. These features, along with a strong commitment to sustainability by the entire project team, allowed the Center to earn LEED Gold level.
Sustainable Strategies
High-performance, reflective roofing system reduces the Urban Heat Island Effect
Occupancy sensors and permanent monitoring systems were installed to minimize energy use
Low-flow fixtures reduce domestic water use
Onsite rainwater harvesting systems reduce potable water use for irrigation
Low VOC-emitting materials for the building’s interior creates enhanced Indoor Environmental Quality
Daylighting illuminates the interior through perimeter glazing and rooftop monitors
Building materials with high-recycled content were sourced from local vendors
Project Results
LEED for New Construction Gold level achieved
30% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2004 energy standard
54% reduction in potable water for domestic use
100% savings of potable water use for irrigation
80% of construction waste was diverted from the landfill