Arizona State University Memorial Union
Originally built in 1954, Arizona State University’s Memorial Union is the center of student life on the Tempe Campus. In November of 2007 a fire in a second floor storage area caused extensive fire and smoke damage throughout the building. Given the critical importance of the Memorial Union to the life of the campus, an intensive remediation effort was mounted to bring the basement and first floor levels back on line for the start of classes in August of 2008. The well integrated design and construction effort was accomplished over an incredibly short period of eight months, including remediation and interior renovation efforts. Bright rooms with ample public corridors and furnishings provide a comfortable atmosphere while sophisticated lighting and control systems save energy, meeting the very dynamic needs of this high-traffic facility.
Sustainable Strategies
High-efficiency HVAC systems and light harvesting controls were installed to reduce energy use
Comprehensive Recycling, Green Housekeeping and Education Programs were implemented to minimize ongoing environmental impacts
Low VOC-emitting materials for the building’s interior creates enhanced Indoor Environmental Quality
High-performance, reflective roofing system reduces the Urban Heat Island Effect
Occupancy sensors and permanent monitoring systems were installed to minimize energy use
Building materials with high-recycled content were sourced from local vendors
Project Results
LEED for Commercial Interiors Gold level achieved
35% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2004
25% of total building materials sourced from local vendors and contractors
70% reduction of potable water use for irrigation
95% of construction waste was diverted from the landfill