Scottsdale Airport Operations Center
Scottsdale Airport Operations Center is a new, two-story 10,000 SF Operations Center for the Scottsdale Municipal Airport. Centrally located on the airport, the Operations Center houses vehicle and equipment storage bays, archives and conference room space on the first floor, with inspection and security personnel offices on the second floor. It is a steel-framed building with a rusted steel panel facade and bonderized metal siding. To the southwest of the building there is a sculptural fabric parking canopy that provides shade for vehicles. Sustainable strategies include daylighting for interior spaces, low-flow plumbing fixtures, heat island reduction, bicycle storage, parking for low-emitting and fuel efficient vehicles, and use of recycled and regionally sourced materials.
Sustainable Strategies
Occupancy sensors and lighting controls were installed to provide energy savings as well as occupant control
Low-emitting materials were used to reduce the harmful effect of VOCs
Shaded parking canopies and reflective roofing materials reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect
Bike racks and showers encourage cycling to work, in addition to reduction of greenhouse gasses
Efficient HVAC&R equipment uses refrigerants that fall well below the maximum threshold for combined contributions to ozone depletion and global warming potential
Building materials were sourced from local vendors
Project Results
LEED for New Construction SILVER level achieved
24% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2007 standard
38% reduction of potable water for domestic use
37% of construction materials contain recycled content
81% of construction waste was diverted from landfills