Arizona State University Biodesign Institute, Building B
Interdisciplinary Research is at the heart of the Biodesign Institute project in Tempe. This Arizona State University (ASU) research facility was designed to improve human health and quality of life through use-inspired biosystems research and partnerships. Completed in 2006, this 175,860 SF laboratory/office building was the first to earn LEED Platinum certification in the State of Arizona. Both Biodesign Institute Buildings A & B represent an awe-inspiring marriage between science and architecture. A four-story central atrium connects all levels to encourage communication and collaboration. Together, the buildings bring the disciplines of engineering, life sciences and technology into one intellectual gateway for discovery. The Institute was created to provide a flexible, healthy work environment that will serve as a catalyst to productive change in science.
Sustainable Strategies
Generation of onsite renewable energy with a 166.8 kW photovoltaic (PV) system
5,000 gallon cistern harvests enough water to eliminate use of potable water for irrigation
Occupancy sensors and permanent monitoring systems were installed to minimize energy use
High-performance, reflective roofing system reduces the Urban Heat Island Effect
Low-flow fixtures reduce domestic water use
Energy-efficient lighting and daylighting strategies reduce energy use
Low VOC-emitting materials for the building’s interior creates enhanced Indoor Environmental Quality
Project Results
LEED for New Construction Platinum level achieved
1st LEED Platinum certified building in the State of Arizona
58% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-1999 energy standard
100% reduction of potable water use for irrigation
80% of construction waste was diverted from the landfill