Intel CH-8

By admin 9 years ago

Intel CH-8 Research and Development Facility

The Intel CH-8 Research & Development Facility is located on Intel’s Chandler, AZ campus. The two-story, 284,845 SF building will house new circuit board manufacturing tools plus ancillary support areas. The building envelope utilizes windows with low-E glazing and both wall and roof systems have high composite R-values. Photovoltaic (solar) arrays generate renewable energy on-site. In addition, Intel Corporation is the #1 purchaser of renewable energy credits in the U.S. annually, entering into green power purchase agreements far exceeding the power usage of CH-8. The building includes a low window-to-wall ratio, high-efficiency mechanical equipment, thermal recovery systems, high efficiency lighting systems, and low-flow plumbing fixtures. The sustainable strategies integrated into the design and construction of the project allowed the CH-8 facility to earn LEED Gold level certification.

Sustainable Strategies

  • ƒ1,292,023 kWh of renewable energy is generated annually through an on-site photovoltaic (PV) system

  • High-performance, reflective roofing system reduces the Urban Heat Island Effect

  • High-efficiency irrigation systems capture gray water to eliminate the need for potable water for irrigation

  • Low VOC-emitting materials for the building’s interior improves indoor air quality

  • Low-flow fixtures reduce domestic water use

  • Zero CFC-based refrigerants in HVAC base building systems reduce degradation of the ozone layer

  • ƒBuilding materials with high-recycled content were sourced from local vendors

Project Results

  • LEED for New Construction GOLD level achieved

  • 45% of total building materials were manufactured from recycled content

  • 100% reduction of potable water use for irrigation

  • 75% reduction of potable water for domestic use

  • 87% of construction waste was diverted from the landfill


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