MLK Apartments
The new MLK Apartment building at Depot Plaza, in Tucson, Arizona provides 68 housing units for the elderly and disabled. The six-story building, completed in late 2010, includes amenities such as a general store, tenant counselor, medical aide, computer room, library and community gathering area. The project fronts a major public plaza and transit hub, the renovated Ronstadt Transit Center, and thus promotes pedestrian activity and use of mass transit. Covered bicycle racks are provided, as is preferred parking for low-emitting and fuel efficient vehicles and car-pools. As parking is underground, the urban heat island effect is reduced and landscaping at street level is maximized. Mechanical systems and lighting provide residents a high degree of control over their indoor environment and comfort. Weather stripping and tight construction also gives each unit general protection from airborne substances. The project’s high indoor environmental quality plus its many energy and resource saving strategies add up to a LEED Silver Level Certification.
Sustainable Strategies
Light fixtures were selected for both energy efficiency and low mercury content
Perimeter glazing reduces the need for artificial lighting
The light, reflective roofing mitigates the urban heat island effect, as does the elimination of street-level parking
Kitchen appliances are ENERGY STAR Certfified
A no-smoking policy protects residents from environmental tobacco smoke everywhere on the premises
Exterior lighting was designed to minimize light pollution and improve dark sky benefits by shielding fixtures and selecting appropriately low output lamps
Project Results
LEED for New Construction SILVER level achieved
49.7% of building components utilize recycled materials
23% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2004 energy standard
44.6% savings of potable water for domestic use
100% underground parking