Sandia National Laboratories, Building 730
Building 730 is a 22,196 SF three-story state-of-the-art office building, owned and operated by Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is a successful example of a balanced design approach, utilizing energy efficient and high-performance HVAC systems and gas-fired water heaters that will save more than 40% on energy and operating costs. Additionally, an LED lighting system was carefully coordinated with occupant overrides for lighting and temperature controls and ongoing monitoring of outside air in order to give occupants control of their micro-environments. Sustainable construction methods were implemented by recycling construction waste, controlling dust and moisture, and conducting a pre-occupancy building flush-out to improve indoor air quality. Only low-emitting finishes and furniture were used within the interior spaces, also contributing to improved indoor air quality.
Sustainable Strategies
Outdoor air delivery monitoring by CO2 sensors ensure that the ventilation system provides adequate air to occupants
High-performance, reflective roofing system reduces the urban heat island effect and improves the energy efficiency of the building
Enhanced HVAC system reduces environmental and economic impacts of excessive energy use
Low-flow plumbing fixtures reduce domestic water use
Only low VOC-emitting construction materials and furniture were installed within the building envelope, improving indoor air quality and enhancing employee productivity
Project Results
LEED for New Construction Gold level achieved
41% energy cost savings above ASHRAE 90.1-2007 energy standard
82% reduction of potable water use for irrigation
36% reduction of potable water for domestic uses
91% of construction waste was diverted from the landfill