Ten Years Since Green Ideas Certified Intel CH-8 Facility at Ocotillo Campus

By admin 7 months ago

With all the excitement circulating about bringing computer chip manufacturing back to the United
States, its hard to believe that it’s been ten years since Green Ideas Building Science Consultants
achieved LEED Gold level certification for Intel’s CH-8 manufacturing facility at the company’s Ocotillo
campus in Chandler, Arizona.

Working with M+W Group, Green Ideas developed the LEED certification strategy and completed the
required energy modeling and building systems commissioning for this highly complex manufacturing
facility. The two-story, 284,845 SF building houses new circuit board manufacturing tools plus ancillary
support areas and the building envelope utilizes windows with low-E glazing and both wall and roof
systems that have high composite R-values. Photovoltaic (solar) arrays generate renewable energy on site.
The building has been in operation for a decade, helping with the domestic manufacturing of the all-
important computer chips used in almost everything today.

In addition to Intel’s CH-8 facility, Green Ideas previously helped Intel to earn LEED for Existing Buildings:
Operations and Maintenance (LEED-EB) Silver level certification for the entire Intel Ocotillo campus in
Chandler, Arizona in March of 2011. At that time, this project was the largest LEED-EB certified project in
the world at nearly four million square feet in total site area!

Stay tuned to Green Ideas Building Science Consultants at our Linkedin page and website
to learn more about these and other projects we’re working on around the globe.
